Snippet: Encounter at Lundein
Ofer Lavi
“Demon, eh?” Yari chuckled. “I suppose I would look like one to you. Like what I’ve done with the place?” she asked nonchalantly.The Moonray’s face reddened and she pointed her Moonspade at Yari. “You will pay for defiling this place. You will kneel before Mara, this I swear.” THE SUNDERER SAGA
Snippet: The Last Shardling
Ofer Lavi
Her blade parted Alora’s head from her shoulders easily. Too easily. She should have felt some urge to stop, to spare this Shardling’s life. But there was no compassion left in her, only the need to complete her mission. And she was so close now, so close. And yet, the hardest part was still ahead…
Snippet: Moonshadow
Ofer Lavi
Eniel was straining to comprehend what his eyes were seeing, but the more he looked at it the more concentrated the shadow became, and the more black it appeared to his eyes. A shade of black that his eyes could not pierce.And then the shadow stepped toward him. THE SUNDERER SAGA
Snippet: The Moonrays
Ofer Lavi
I say again: I am no child. You might be my elder, but you are not my superior, and likely not my better. We will talk as equals or there will be no conversation to be had between us. THE SUNDERER SAGA
Snippet: The Circle
Ofer Lavi
Yari crouched behind her shield, thrust her spear forward, and assessed her opponents. Karaji was a little taller than her and more muscular. Vetnar however, was the real threat, as he towered at least a head taller over both of them.She could feel them both sharding – she had to assume that they were both…
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